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Setting goals for the new year
A new year has begun and we think it's the perfect time to set some educational goals - and of course we're here to help you stay on track!
We all know how it goes with resolutions, right? Within a few weeks of enthusiastically plunging into the new year, determined to make it this time, four out of five people get so stressed out about sticking to their plan that giving up seems to be the best option.
So how can you set some goals and stick to them? There's a science behind it :) The model of Positive Stress Management by Dr. N. Peseschkian, an Iranian psychiatrist, offers some insight into the problems and solutions to the resolution dilemma. His approach shows that an individual’s well-being is dependent on the four pillars of his/her life being in balance. Dr. Peseschkian defines those four pillars as Personal, Social, Success and Intuition. The personal pillar describes how we see ourselves and others, the social pillar refers to the relationships we have with others and how we interact with the world around us; the success pillar is what drives us – ambition, diligence and work habits. Finally, the intuition pillar contains our dreams and wishes, goals and beliefs.
According to Dr. Peseschkian, the four pillars – or areas – of our lives need to be in balance, otherwise we experience stress. Therefore, if a New Year’s resolution means a radical change in our habits and behavior, the areas are not in balance anymore and our bodies and minds will work towards restoring it. That’s why giving up seems like such a good idea after a few weeks…
Does this mean that all attempts at changing your life are futile? Not at all! The key to success is considering the balance in your life when setting your goals.
Here is one example – and the principle applies to any goal you might want to set: Let's say you want to graduate, to be able to get a better job, but you think investing time to study will keep you from seeing your friends. Not being able to see your friends would definitely lead to abandoning your goal, because they are a very important part of your life, right? So set a schedule that will fit with your lifestyle and still allow you to spend time with your friends. Taking courses at SCIDES is one way, because you can work at your own pace, independently, from home! This way you will still have balance in your social life, while working on a goal that can be a real life-changer for you.
Make 2015 the year to reach your goals - of course we're here to help you with your education. Contact us today!