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Online Learning Survey

Online Learning Survey

Dear Parents and students of SCIDES (05898002),

We would greatly appreciate it if you could please take part in the Ministry’s Online Learning Survey. 

We are pleased to offer the Online Learning Survey (OLS), provided by A. Willock Information Systems Inc. (AWIS) for the Ministry of Education and Child Care. The Online Learning Survey is a key data component of the Accountability and Quality Assurance Process for Provincial Online Learning Schools and is the only source of province-wide information about student’s online learning experiences. Your participation is an important contribution to understanding and improving the online learning educational experiences of students across the province. Please find information about the survey below.

• All responses will be kept anonymous: no one will be able to personally identify any students or parents through their responses.  There are no student-specific login codes, so responses cannot be tied to students.

• If any personal or identifying information about students, parents, or others are included in the responses, it will be deleted before results are processed and stored.  

• Data will be stored in Canada and accessible only within Canada.  

• This survey is targeted towards students in grades 4, 7, 10, 11, and 12, as well as their parents.  

The survey will be open until September 30, 2024.  On the login page, individuals will choose their school and select if they are a parent or a student in one of the targeted grades.  The Online Learning Survey login link is below:

If you have any questions about the Online Learning Survey, you can contact If you require technical assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact AWIS at the phone number or email address listed below.

Thank you very much for your time, your participation in this survey is much appreciated.

Dan Duncan

Principal  -  SCIDES




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Guest Friday, 25 October 2024