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November is Sports Month at SCIDES

November is Sports Month at SCIDES


Can you believe fall snuck up on us like that? It’s in full swing and we’re dedicated to staying healthy and active during the cold and wet season – so we’re declaring November Sports Month at SCIDES! Let’s have a look at what we can do for you and your fitness (if you participate!) and what’s in store for this month.

PE Courses at SCIDES

We offer PE courses for Grades K-12; Grades 10-12 even have the option of getting PE credit with an Independent Directed Studies Course, for example by training with a swim team for a swim meet, or by joining a bowling team. Depending on the grade level, 80-100 hours of physical activity are required to get credit, that means lots of opportunity to get moving! Talk to your teacher if an Independent Directed Study Course is an option for you.

Daily Physical Activity (DPA) is a graduation requirement, and defined as endurance, strength and/or flexibility activities done on a daily basis. The BC curriculum specifies 30 minutes of physical activity every day, for Grades K-7. Grades 8 and 9 can do the same, or opt for a total of 150 active minutes per week. Grades 10-12 are required to log 150 active minutes per week as part of their graduation requirements, as well as complete PE 10. How will you get active?

Jersey Day

November 4th is National Jersey Day in Canada, and we’ll be wearing our favourites that day. We hope you join us! Send us a Jersey Day selfie, and we’ll post it on our Facebook page. Show your love and support for your favourite sport and team and spread the word!

Get active with us

Starting November 8th, we will have Intramural Sports Tuesdays and Thursdays, during lunch break (12:20 pm to 1:00 pm), at the Kengard Learning Centre. Come and join us for the following: 

Nov. 8th and 10th: Basketball 

Nov. 15th and 17th: Pickleball

Nov. 22nd and 25th: Ping Pong/ Air Hockey Tournament

Go on a field trip with us

We’re planning a field trip to the Merritt Recreation and Aquatic Center at the end of November (date TBA). If you’re one of our local students – join us! Participants will have the option to go swimming (all ages), or work out in the gym (age 15 and over).

(Students age 7 and under are required to be accompanied by a parent in order to attend.)

BC Athletics

SCIDES is a member of BC Athletics, a non-profit organization that helps us organize track meets, cross country runs, and other sporting events – not just in the month of November, but all school year long. One of the great perks of our BC Athletics membership is liability insurance for all our students during school sponsored sporting events – we care about your fitness and safety!


It’s time to sit less and move more – that’s Participaction’s motto and on their website you can find great ideas and guidelines on how to get moving and be more active. They even have a special playlist and suggestions to get active for Canada’s 150th birthday next year – with 150 different uniquely Canadian activities! Check them out on this website (

Wayne Gretzky

Can we all agree that Wayne Gretzky is one of the greatest Canadian athletes ever? And he started out just like you – with a love for sports. We want to share a few of his best quotes, and hopefully get you motivated and inspired to get moving and go after your dreams:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

“Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.”

“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

Great wisdom, for sports and life! Which dream are you going to tackle?

We hope you join us and get active for Sports Month at SCIDES. Connect with us on Facebook or contact us at the school, we look forward to hearing from you! 




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