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October is Science month at SCIDES!

October is Science month at SCIDES!


October is Science month at SCIDES and the Kengard Learning Center! We'll be celebrating, challenging, learning, and having fun with Science all month long. Check out what we have lined up for you...

If you're enrolled with SCIDES full time (meaning SCIDES is your school of record), then you're in for a real treat: you will get access to BrainPOP! BrainPOP is an online platform that engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. There are two versions available, one suitable for Grades K - 3 (Junior BrainPOP) and one for Grades 4 - 10 (BrainPOP). 

BrainPop covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing - watch your inbox for the login code. We'll get it out to you soon!

But there is more! We'll also be celebrating Mole Day on October 23rd.

What Is Mole Day?

Celebrated annually on October 23rd from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 1023), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. It was created as a way to foster interest in chemistry, and schools around the world celebrate Mole Day with various activities related to chemistry and/or moles. We're looking forward to a fun and educational day, and until then you can find out more here:

We're also excited to announce that we will launch new and improved Science courses this month: Chemistry 11 and 12, Physics 11 and 12, and Literacy Foundations Chemistry and Physics. These improved courses have new projects, lots of options for students to choose from, as well as better videos.

Last - but certainly not least - we want to challenge your scientific knowledge. We will be posting Science trivia questions regularly from October 5th to October 30th. E-mail the correct answer for the question of the week to one of our Science teachers and get entered into a draw to win a prize! 

Grades K-7 can email Anita Sahota: or Sheldon Stuttard:, and Grades 8-12 can email Gareth Tilt: or Liana Tilt: 

To access the questions for Grades K-7, please contact Anita Sahota to get access to the Elementary Projects Page where the trivia questions will be posted. For Grades 8-12, we'll be posting the questions on our Facebook page, so connect with us there

We're looking forward to a great month of learning, connecting, and having fun!



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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025