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Meet Our Teachers - Pam Parenty

Meet Our Teachers - Pam Parenty

We have one more of our educators to introduce to you, French teacher Pam Parenty, who also looks after scholarships at SCIDES. Now that the deadline for scholarships has passed for this year, Pam had time to tell us a bit about herself.

Thanks for taking the time, Pam. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?

My name is Pam Parenty. I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Mission, BC. I live in Penticton now. 

How long have you been a teacher at SCIDES? 

I have taught at SCIDES for 5 years. 

Why did you become a teacher? 

I became a teacher because I love working with kids of all ages to embrace learning and I want to encourage each individual to grow and improve.   

What’s your favourite aspect of being a teacher?

I love when a student has an “aha” moment! See a student persevere and then succeed is a special thing to witness. 

What is your least favourite aspect of being a teacher? 

Emails! So many emails!  

What’s your best advice for students who want to figure out their career path and calling? 

Don’t be afraid to try something out if you are uncertain about it. We don’t need to be 100% certain to take a step forward, but we do need to be curious. 

What’s your favourite book and why? 

My favourite book is A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. The authors descriptions of the sounds, smells, and sights of India make me feel as though I am right there on the streets.  

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Don’t worry about what others think. Be you.

What do you still want to learn? 

I’d love to learn to play the harmonica. I’d also love to learn more about plants and gardening. I enjoy it, but I’m not very good at it. 

When you’re not busy helping your students and marking assignments, what do you enjoy doing? 

I play a lot of music. I play the oboe, saxophone, and ukulele. I also like to go kiteboarding, birdwatching, and hiking.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, Pam! We're so glad to have you on the SCIDES team.

If you would like to find out more about SCIDES and the programs we offer, connect with us on social media, or get in touch



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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025