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Get organized for the new school year

Get organized for the new school year

Summer is almost over and we have a confession to make: we're really excited to start the new school year! We have fantastic activities planned - each month will have a different theme - and we're really looking forward to being your sidekicks for another awesome year of online learning.

A great way to start the new year is to get organized, and we want to share our tips for doing just that, with you. Getting back on track after the summer is easier than you think! Here we go:


Let's start with one of our favourite quotes about getting organized:

"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." ~ A.A. Milne

Sounds pretty easy, right? :)


1. Clean up your work space. You know how things tend to accumulate in places you don't use a whole lot? This might be the case with your desk... You probably did not use it a whole lot over the summer, and now it's time to clean it up (oh, there is your favourite pen!). Have a neat and tidy desk is the first step. And work flows always better with your favourite pen, right? 

2. Organize your work space and supplies. If you like using binders, we recommend separating the different courses (and maybe even units and lessons!) with separator tabs. That way, you can find everything easily when you need it. If you prefer notebooks, you should make sure they are all labelled. Once you get started with studying and course work, you should only have what you need for your class, your computer/laptop/tablet, and a bottle of water on your desk. Decluttered desks mean decluttered minds!

3. Meet your teachers and markers. We want to make sure you have everything you need for a successful learning experience, so we've prepared an overview and FAQs for you - check them out on our website. Always keep your teacher's and marker's contact info handy, so you can reach out whenever you need to. 

4. Set a schedule and keep an agenda. Once you enroll in a course, make a schedule to stay on track. Think about how long it will take you to complete the course (all high school level courses require about 120 hours of work), and break your timeline into units and lessons. The schedule is a great way to keep an overview and to make sure you're progressing as you want to. An agenda is a great tools to use for day-to-day school work. Make notes of assignments and questions, and write down when you need to study for tests. With a schedule and agenda, you're set all around!

Bonus tip - you have a flexible schedule and don't need to buy your school supplies by a certain date. So take advantage of the back-to-school blowout sales, which usually start around the first day of school, and save considerably!

What are your favourite tips for getting organized and back on track after the summer? We'd love to hear about it! Leave your tip below in the comments, or chime in on our Facebook page



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Guest Monday, 03 March 2025