Changes to Provincial Assessment Chart Starting in 2016/2017

Starting in the 2016/2017 school year, changes to graduation and assessment will be more closely aligned with the new curriculum and personalized learning.

This is what the changes mean for Grade 10-12 students during the 2016/2017 schoolyear:


Grade12 students will:
  • complete a Language Arts 12 course and write the associated provincialexam
  • not write the literacy assessment or math skillsassessment
  • Students who have completed courses associated with discontinued exams by June 30, 2016, will have until June 2017 to write or re-writeexams.
  • Students taking summer school during July and August 2016 will not be required to write provincial exams in Math 10, Language Arts 10, Science 10 and Social Studies 11 (orequivalent).
  • Français langue première 10, Français langue première 12 and Français langue seconde immersion 12 provincial examchanges will be the same as their equivalentsabove.
  • Students with a personal scenario different than the above, or with questions or concerns, should contact their school, visit,

In Victoria: (250)387-6121

In Vancouver: (604)660-2421

Elsewhere in BC: 1 (800)663-7867


You can see and download the detailed information (and an exam schedule) on this website:

B.C. Education – Provincial Exams Information

You will also fine example questions and answers on this page, as well as information on grading and re-writing exams.

Preparing for exams...

Of course it’s important to be well-prepared for a Provincial Exam. While you should keep up with studying and taking notes throughout the duration of the course, there are a few tips from our teachers that will help you get organized for success:

1. Study for a maximum of one hour - then take a break to do something completely different, like taking a walk, doing laundry or chores, work out... After that, go back to studying for another hour. Give your brain time to process what you learned and you will retain more - short and intensive is better than long and drawn out!
2. Wear a piece of clothing you will bring to the exam, like your favourite slippers. Or, chew a certain gum/drink a specific tea and do the same during the exam - those items will act as a trigger and you'll be surprised how much you remember!
3. Drink plenty of water - being well hydrated is essential for your brain to work at its best!
More study tip resources:

23 scientifically backed study tips